We are building this section up and if you have any family members or other people you know about, buried in the Glasgow Necropolis please get in touch by email:
Marked |
Unmarked |
A |
Adam MC, Norman Macleod
Adams, James
Aikman, Peter
Allenby, William E
Aikman, Rev. Dr J. Logan
Aitken, Robert Easton
Anderson, Charles Coventry
Anderson, Robert Coventry
Arthur, Sir Allan
B |
Baird Smith, James Geddes
Bell, Ebenezer
Bannatyne, Douglas Alexander
Blacklock, John
Bannerman, Stanley Cyril Forster
Baxter Family
Beckett. James Ranald
Bell, James
Binning, Robert Inglis
Black MC, James Dykes
Black MC, James Elliot
Blackie, Albert Ferguson
Blackie, Frank Herndon
Blackie, John Stewart
Bowman, John
Boyd, Stuart
Brechin, Robert Hood
Brechin, William
Bremner, David
Bremner, James
Brown, John Hepburn
Brown, Kenneth Ashby
Bruce, John
Bryce, Charles Chalmers
Bryson, William Downs
Buchanan, Moses S
Buchanan, Robert
Buchanan, Sisters
Burns, Dr John
C |
Campbell, William Twaddle
Campbell, Colour Sergeant Donald
Carruthers, George Maclellan
Craig, Alexander and Charles
Cassels, Robert William
Cassels, Robert Wilson
Cheapside Street Disaster
Chrystal, Ian Campbell
Church, William Campbell
Coats MD, Professor Joseph
Connell, Alfred Hamilton
Crosbie, Andrew
Crosbie, George
Cruikshank Memorial, The
Cruikshank, Alexander
Cruikshank, James
Crum Ewing Memorial
Cunningham, George
Cunningham, Rev Robert
D |
Dennistoun, Alexander
Dobie, Thomas
Dick, John
Dodds, Robert
Donaldson, Alfred
Downie, Andrew Marshall
Duff, William
Dunn, Rev Herbert
Dyer, Henry
E |
Elder, Isabella
Ewing, Sergeant Samuel
Elliot, Alexander Shiels
Ewing, James
F |
Falconer, James Warden
Flecknoe, Josiah
Fleming, Malcolm James Henderson
Forrester Family, The
Fleming, MC, Ernest Cole
Flynn, Juila
Forman Family
Forrester, Adrian Andrew
Foucart, François
Foulis, James Bell
G |
Galbraith MM, Hugh
Giles, Peter
Gibson, Matthew Orr
Glasgow Fire Memorial
Gomoszynski, Joseph F
Goodall, Robert
Gordon, George Lt
Gourlay Family, The
Graham, George Wilson
Graham, William
Grant Family
Grierson KCB, CMG, CVO, Sir James Moncrieff
H |
Hamilton, Hugh
Harper, Andrew
Harrower, William Jarvie
Harvey, Thomas
Hennedy, Roger
Hutcheson, MC, Andrew Guy
I |
Irons, Stanley
J |
Jack, John Alexander
Jarvie, Norman Alexander
K |
Kedie, William Thomas
Ker, William
Kettle, Robert
Kidston Family, The
King, Andrew Buchanan
Kirkland, John Stuart
Knox, John
Kyle, Martin
L |
Laidlaw Family, The
Lang, Catherine
Laidlaw, David Myles
Laidlaw, Robert Stewart
Law, Alan Drummond
Lawrie, James Hunter
Leckie, Graham
Lee, Corlinda
Leitch, Alexander Porter
Livie, John Fletcher
Livingston, Francis (Frank)
Longton, Eric Robert Donaldson
Lorimer, James Bannerman
Lumsden, Sir James
M |
Mirrlees, James Buchanan
McLeish, James
MacBrayne, John Burns
McQuade, James
MacDiarmid, Allan
Muir, William
Macdonald, Graham Brymner
Murdoch, James
MacFarlan, Duncan
Macfarlane, William Cameron
MacIndoe, Cecil Alexander Dunn
MacIndoe, Thomas C
Mackenzie, Alexander
Maclean, Alexander Harvie
MacLellan, George Douglas
MacNaughton, Matthew Barr
Macrae, John Alexander
Main, James
Malcolm, William Noel
Marshall, Allan Gow
McCallum, Robert
McClure, James Howe
McEwan, George Lammie
McEwan, Robert William
McGavin, William
McGibbon, John
McGill, Dr William
McKinlay, Isaac
McLellan, Archibald
McMillan, Ian Archibald Cormack
McMinn, Charles Russell
McMinn, Donald Campbell
McNeill MC, Alan Gordon
Menzies, James
Millar, Robert Curle
Moir, Robert Bruce Oliphant
Monteath, Archibald Douglas
Moore, Dugald
Moore, Samuel Johnston
Morrison, Euphemia
Motherwell, William
Mowat, Charles James Carlton
Muir Family and Friends
Murgatroyd, The Family
Muter, Rev Doctor Robert
Myles, John Adam Whitson Douglas
N |
Nicholson, James
Nimmo/Fairley Vault
Nisbet, Eliza Margaret
Norwood, John Norton
O |
Ord, John
Orr, Arthur Roxburghe
P |
Park, Robert
Paterson, James
Pattison, Granville Sharp
Pattison, The Family
Plews, Ross Drysdale
Pollock, John
Q | | |
R |
Reddie, James
Reid, Alfred
Reid, James
Richardson, John
Richmond, Sir David
Robertson, David
Robertson, William Bruce
Rodger, Alexander
Rough, Helen M,
Rough, Jane Somerville
Roy Family
Ruthven, Archibald St. Clair (Sinclair)
S |
Scotland National Rugby Players
Sinclair, John
Scott Family
Scott, Michael and Bogle James
Sloan, George Henry
Smith CB, VD, Frederick John
Smith, Archibald
Smith, Frank Alexander
Smith, George
Smith, William Hannah
Steel, James Campbell
Stephen, James Howie Frederic
Stewart, Duncan John
Stewart, Robert
Strang, Agnes
Strang, John
Swan, Joseph
T |
Taylor junior, John
Tait, John
Taylor senior, John
Taylor, Alexander
Taylor, Joseph Macintyre
Tennant, Charles
Thomson, James Brown
Thomson, Peter
Todd, William
Towers, James
Tullis, Robert Ramsay
Tulloch, William
Turner, Angus
U | | |
V | | |
W |
Walker, James George
Wade, Sidney
Watson, David Henry
Wright, John
Watson, G.L.
Watson, John Eben
Watson, Laurence Stewart
Watson, Thomas Lennox
Whitson, Harold White
Whitson, Wilfred Robert
Wight, John Guthrie
Wilson, Robert Duncan
Wilson, William Rae
Woodrow, Alexander
Wylie, Robert Downie
X | | |
Y | | |
Z | | |